Herbal Medicine

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Student Treatments


Western Herbal Medicine practitioners draw on the amazing healing properties of plants and apply these in a clinical setting, to support clients to achieve and maintain good health holistically.

Your consultation will include a comprehensive holistic health assessment to establish the herbs and perhaps also lifestyle recommendations that will best suit your specific needs. Initial consultations take up to 90mins and follow up appointments up to 60mins.

Consultations are available:

Wednesdays 5.30pm - 9pm (Online)
Fridays 9:30am-1pm (Online)
Saturdays 9.30am-5pm (Face to Face)(March only)

Face to Face consultations are held at the Fiona Maree Clinic 102/65 Hume St, Crows Nest NSW 2065 

$25 - 90 min initial consulation
$20 - 60 min follow up consultation

Children under 16yrs and NCC Students - free of charge
Herbal medicines may be recommended.


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