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Tree change, Remedial Massage clinic Braidwood
Category: Business For Sale
Region: Rural / Outback
Sub-Region: Riverina
Date Posted: 27 June 2021
Want a tree change? Braidwood NSW, $8,000 neg.
Remedial Massage practice, established 5 years booked solidly with repeat clients, some 12 months ahead, currently turning new clients away. Be as busy as you want to be with a captive market, earn your investment back in 2-3 months. I currenly see 12 clients a week (3 days) as am doing my Masters in Human Nutrition and looking to move into that ain October. I was seeing 22 clients a week prior to study. I am Cert IV trained but have experience with TMJ/Hyperflexibilty and headaches.
Sale includes portable table, client data base, towels, oil, desk, logo and business name and support to transition the client base. Premise available free of charge while you move the practice and I will guarentee a $400 a week income (so even if you do not make $400/wk, I will make up the difference for the first 4 weeks) - Just walk in and start! Contact Violet violetswasson@gmail.com or 0414412199.
You need to be approprately qualified, warm, frienldy, down to earth and be comfortable working with a variett of people (farmers, truffle growers, pub owners, artists, academics), everyone is absoulutely lovely. I just want someone who is dedicated and will look after my people. Word of mouth here is very strong, so if you are good at what you do, you will have people lining up.
Company Name: Vital Healthcare and Education
Contact Name: Violet Wasson
Email: violetswasson@gmail.com
Phone: 0414412199
Closing Date: 10/10/2021