Western Herbal Medicine

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Certificate in Western Herbal Remedies

Welcome to the exciting world of Natural Therapies!

The Course Brochure has detailed information about the course program including frequently asked questions, course recognition & payment options.

Download Course Brochure & Timetable
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Herbal Medicine has its origins in ancient cultures and the World Health Organisation estimates that more than 75% of the world’s population use herbal remedies as part of their primary care. 

Herbal Remedies aim to strengthen the body's systems, help prevent disease, and support the body in its ability to heal itself by restoring balance and vitality.

It’s so rewarding for us to see the joy that people experience when they learn about the incredible therapeutic benefits and preparation of using plants as medicine.

In a world increasingly focused on wellness and sustainability, herbal medicine offers a timeless and sustainable path to well-being.

You'll be able to:

  • recognise common medicinal herbs in their natural, processed, and dried forms
  • identify the therapeutic effects of herbs together with their specific indications, botanic names, common names, part used, dosages and toxicology
  • recognise all highly poisonous plants in their natural state
  • select appropriate herbs for particular disease states

Providing a great overview of Western Herbal Medicine, the Certificate in Western Herbal Remedies is ideal for those wishing to gain training in the core aspects of Herbal Medicine to complement their current skills, for those wishing to 'taste test' Herbal Medicine to see if a future as a Herbalist is for them, or for personal interest to incorporate what you learn into your daily life.

This certificate course will give you credit towards the Advanced Diploma if you choose to continue on with your Herbal Medicine studies, and is the ideal pathway to discover our unique Natural Medicine programs.


Course Duration: 1 year part-time (3 subjects)

Course Frequency: Annual intake – Enrolments for 2025 intake opened from 1 July 

Due to popular demand the course program books out early. To avoid disappointment, we recommend you enrol when enrolments open. You can enrol online with a small deposit.

Commences: 5 March

Missed the Annual Intake? The first subject in the Certificate of Western Herbal Remedies, Herbal Medicine A is offered every term as a short course.


Flexible Learning Options

Enjoy the ease of attending the class live in our virtual classroom with your Trainer OR watch the recording in line with your own weekly study schedule. You can choose to:

  1. Attend the class lesson live at the allocated time online OR
  2. Review the class recording at your leisure in line with your own weekly study schedule OR
  3. You can attend the live class and watch the recording for revision to consolidate your learning



What a wonderful course and fabulous teacher sharing her personal knowledge and insight into these plants, making the course so much alive and interesting! Adeline

Thank you ever so much for my very precious newly learnt knowledge of Western Herbal Medicine.
Lis, you're VERY professional, considerate, loveable, and inspiring. 
Thank you also to everyone working behind the scenes who made this course possible, much appreciated.  Cora

The course was absolutely fantastic! I learned so much and Lis was truly wonderful. Such an inspirational woman and a fountain of knowledge! She presented the course in a way that was easy to understand, a good pace and lots of extra anecdotal information to help us. - Nicola

It is a real pleasure to learn herbal medicine with Lis. She is so knowledgeable and really pays tremendous attention to the way she can help students remember the lessons. It is a real pleasure. - Sandra






Herbal Medicine A - Materia Medica

Description: Welcome to the wonderful world of Herbal Medicine! This one-year Unit of Study introduces the philosophy and science of herbalism in its historical perspective. You will explore the materia medica, learn about the therapeutic effects, constituents,
preparation and usage of plants as medicine.

Learning Hours: Learning hours are inclusive of all supervised and prescribed activities throughout the duration of this unit of study. These may include lectures, on-line tasks, forums, assessments, prescribed reading, research, assignments and activities.

This unit is assessed by:

  • 1x mid-term quiz 
  • 1x end-of-term quiz 
  • 1x written assignment – Personal report and Monograph 

Pre-requisites: Nil

Co-requisites: Nil


Herbal Medicine B - Materia Medica

Description: This unit of of study builds on the knowledge covered in Herbal Medicine A.

This unit is assessed by:

  • 1x mid-term quiz 
  • 1x end-of-term quiz 
  • 1x written assignment – Personal report and Monograph 

Pre-requisites: Herbal Medicine A - Materia Medica

Co-requisites: Nil


Herbal Medicine C - Materia Medica

Description: This unit of of study builds on the knowledge covered in Herbal Medicine A & B.

This unit is assessed by:

  • 1x mid-term quiz 
  • 1x end-of-term quiz 
  • 1x written assignment – Personal report and Monograph 

Pre-requisites: Herbal Medicine A & B - Materia Medica.

Co-requisites: Nil


I loved the course ~ I feel studying at Nature Care is like a big warm hug of education!


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